The Road

Do you share my fascination with roads? I’m mesmerized by photographs, illustrations, and sketches of roads – and of course, the sheer thrill of driving on them.
Maybe it’s because I ran track in junior high school. I loved looking down the bright white center line of the paved track, crouch 4 position, on your marks, set and go! I was all about the short sprints, 50 yard, 100 yard and I ran 220 relays. Running feels powerful.
I absolutely love to drive. I favor asphalt, the smooth ride but, a well-constructed new concrete road can feel beautiful beneath your wheels too.
Or, is it the plentiful poetry or Irish blessings about roads? Like Robert Frost’s “Two roads diverged in a wood and I –I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference?” Or, “May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand?”
Each of us walks, runs, rides or drives the roads of our lives. There may be road-blocks, U-turns, forks to choose between, one-way streets, roundabouts, and occasionally, dead ends. The key is to keep on keeping on. I’ve failed many times. Fall down, get up, fall down again, get up again. Keep trying, stay positive and never, ever give up!
Looking down a road like the one above, my eyes see promise, the unknown, the mystery of the uncharted, a way out, a way forward, and sometimes a way home.
Hale is a Kansas City author, a book publisher, and formerly a Board Certified Patient Advocate. She has spent 20+ years researching alternative health and high quality nutrition. She strongly encourages every one of us to become advocates for our own health or hire one to work on your behalf. The reasons why are many; these are covered in past posts and will be covered in future blog posts. Additionally, Hale studies technology and the Internet, pets and animal welfare, and preserving the planet.
Among her favorites quotes is this one by Nelson Henderson: The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.