I got this image off the net a while ago and regretfully, I didn’t make note of the source. It sure looks like these folks are experiencing fun and play. Having helped to keep iStock Photos (now Getty Images) profitable since 2005, I have a few hundred royalty free images available to use but as I explain in this very abbreviated post, playing and having fun have not been major priorities in my life. Don’t get me wrong: I have played and I have had fun – just not often enough!
Seems I’ve been a “hard driver” all my life and I’m getting tired of it. This term came from my first MBS (Management by Strengths) assessment. Additional assessments from employers, prospective employers, and my own self-development quests, seemed to support this perspective.
I had all this ambition to share my new habit-busting experience in 2023 and I will – periodically. I am completely dedicated to my objective and I will succeed.
I intended to blog about health, nutrition, animals, the planet, technology, writing, etc. on a regular basis but three trips so far this year interrupted the flow and lately, with a new medical diagnosis and its parameters to research – I don’t feel like it. I have one more trip planned and I think that will be it for travel this year.
I married a man who has an amazing sense of humor. He cracks me up a lot. My husband has no trouble having fun and he is playful. A big kid. I’m going to learn from him.
PLAY! FUN! Are on my agenda.
Cooking, golfing, visiting with family, bowling, reading, listening to music, playing with our cat, going to the movies, going to the theater, meditating – these are among the activities I plan to focus on. If there was a huge body of water nearby, this list would grow immensely!
It’s not writer’s block. My priorities are changing. I need to lighten up. I have been too serious, too reactive. It’s been years since I made FUN or PLAY a priority and that is going to change NOW.