Restoring Our Health – A Spectacular Resource
Recently, armed with results of “diagnostic tests” whose validity and scientific basis I now question, I met with an Integrative Nutritionist and self-taught chef. I’d done quite a bit of research, looking for a person with whom I could relate, learn from, and...
Well Being Brewery – BRAVO!
Non-alcoholic Craft Beers Back in 2001, I was a freelance writer and became a “wellness consultant” representing a company whose products ranged from pure water to far infrared technology to magnets. Two fantastic things happened in my life from that experience: 1.) I...
Whole Health Pet Nutrition
As I'm learning more and more about human nutrition, I've decided enough parallels exist to find a common ground between whole food nutrition for my family - including our pet. We have just one now. They'd like to eat what's on the table but.. Our last menagerie...
Tomorrow’s Hospital May Not Look Like Any You’ve Known
An insightful (maybe prophetic?) WSJ article in the digital edition 2/25/18 called “The Future of Hospitals,” by Laura Landro, is a real eye-opener. It’s encouraging that leaders in various health systems recognize that the hospital model as we know it is fraught with...
Hippocrates – The Father of Modern Medicine
Hippocrates was quite the forward-thinker. This quote, attributed to him after his death, is the answer to so many of our ills: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. How ironic that on average, a person studying in the U.S. to become a...
Antibiotic resistance is becoming an alarming concern for us- worldwide.
Human body health care infographics, with medical icons, organs, charts, diagarms and copy space Overuse of antibiotics (both in what we eat) and what we ourselves consume, leads to resistance. Resistance occurs when an antibiotic no longer has an effect on a...
There are Way to Minimize Cognitive Decline
Nearly all of us know a loved one or a family friend who has experienced varying level s of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or some form of cognitive decline. It’s heartbreaking to witness this and (probably) very frightening to experience it. This decline is...
Why We Have to Become Advocates for our Own Health
It's all too easy to go to the doctor or clinic and come away with a prescription. That's what physicians and nurses are trained to do. It's up to us to advocate for our own health. Doctors are permitted a finite amount of time to spend with patients...
HACKS! JP Morgan, Sony, Yahoo, DNC, Equifax and more
It doesn't end. There are people out there with, apparently, no shortage of time to spend screwing with the lives of the rest of us. Prior to the most recent Equifax hacking of 143 million individuals, there has been a growing list of large and small firms that...
How Do I Find a Deleted Email?
We’ve all been there. That moment when you realize, oh no, you’ve deleted an important email. The next moment: How do I find a deleted email? Now what? Do you scream? Cry? Throw a blanket over your head and hope the world works itself out around you? Well,...
I Really Want to Blog
I really want to blog! I know. You wouldn't know it from looking here. Memorial Day? OMG. The fact is I'm working on book marketing, revamping my website, polishing promo efforts, taking three courses (all of which will be very helpful but none of...
A Blessed Memorial Day; Gratitude to Veterans & Other Heroes We’ve Lost
We have much to be grateful for and so many to appreciate. On this Memorial Day of 2017, I thank my Dad, my Uncle Dom, and my Uncle Roddie (who I never met because he gave his life for his country before I was born.) I appreciate all of the sacrifices you...
People Come Into Your Life ..
We've all heard the saying that goes something like: People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. OR, some people come into your life as blessings, others come into your life as lessons. Apparently, there is no official credited quotation and...
Immunity: Fights Diseased Cells, Autoimmunity: Attacks Your Body’s Own Cells
We hear the terms “autoimmune” and “autoimmunity” but I wonder if the majority of our population understand what this means? Certainly those of us negatively impacted by an autoimmune disease or disorder do. According to the National Institute of Allergy...
Educate Yourself to Optimal Health
Bless you, Forbes Magazine and specifically, Contributor Elaine Schattner. Bless the Mayo Clinic for their continued efforts to improve the detection efficiency in breast screenings. This pertains to women who are at risk and/or have extremely...
The Many Miraculous Uses for Mother Nature’s Essential Oils
Mother Nature has provided us many wonderful gifts and one of the most miraculous is found in the magic of pure essential oils. Medicine, deodorizers, aromatherapy, insect repellents, cooking, pet health, pest resistance, mood enhancers, cleansing agents, and so...
No Green Thumb but a GREEN State of Mind
I am not good with plants. I cringe when well-meaning friends give me a plant because I fear I will be the death of it. Seriously. I often am. Just late last year I finally killed a hardy plant given me by (then, new) close friends as a Get...
Everything Seems to Be Supersized These Days But Mattresses are Shrinking
© da-vooda iStock My husband & I live in Kansas City with our rescued cat. Over the years we’ve had dogs and cats and simultaneously for several years, we had 2 dogs and 2 cats. More about pets later. Unless specified otherwise, when I use the...